Tuesday 5 August 2014

Love Oil

Love oil can be made from many different herbs. You can use almost anything as a base oil. There are various ways to manufacture love oil. Love herbs are generally governed by Venus. One of the most popular love herbs known to man is the rose. I have a rose in my apartment which I have shredded up today. This was a rose given to me when I participated in a Wiccan magick ritual. I saved the rose and let it dry out for less than a year. It was pink colored. 

My base oil was another plant associated with Venus and love. I used almond oil to soak the rose petals in. This is sitting on my altar charging. It was stirred with my athame to help direct power into the potion. This potion can be used for different purposes in magick. It can be used on the body or to anoint magick candles. This oil that I am making will not be strong in fragrance. Some people are sensitive to fragrance. You might like the idea of using a rose which has dried for a long time and does not possess a strong odor. 

My bowl was a regular cereal bowl merely because nothing else was clean. Typically I would use something more ceremonial. All of my usual magick bowls are currently being used for something else. Into the bowl I placed 2 pieces of Rose Quartz. This is a stone which is said to help us with love related issues. 2 is a great number to work with in love magick.